Audio for VATSIM Weekend Update


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  • Audio for VATSIM Weekend Update
5 years ago
  • VATSIM News

VATSIM wants to thank you for the unprecedented interest, traffic levels, and support we have seen since the launch of Audio for VATSIM on Monday 14th October 2019.  As we head into our first weekend using our new technology, we are taking some actions to maintain the stability of the voice servers while we continue to isolate and correct an issue that arises when VATSIM exceeds just over 1,000 simultaneous connections. This is not related to server capacity itself, of which we have plenty.

As a result of this issue, we will be continuing with a connection limit on each server of 147 simultaneous connections through the weekend. This means that VATSIM will be limited to a maximum of 1,036 simultaneous connections across the 7 servers. We fully anticipate that we will hit this number a few times throughout the weekend. We do not expect there to be extended times where the VATSIM connection cap is reached, but there could be times where a single server’s connection cap could be reached. 

If you encounter this situation, you will receive an error message stating “There are too many users already connected to your chosen server. Please choose another server to connect to VATSIM.” 

The solution is to check the servers tab of your VATSIM map to see which server has space and try connecting to that server. Note that your server location will have no effect on your VATSIM experience - the voice servers sit separately to the network servers so delay is not affected by you connecting to a server further away from your location.

In order for all who would like to use VATSIM over this weekend to have the opportunity, we need your help and cooperation by complying with these requests. Read more Here